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Nos ocupamos de tu contabilidad de e-commerce

Nos ocupamos de tus necesidades contables de e-commerce

amavat® es el soporte perfecto para tu negocio de e-commerce si tú:

  • Buscas servicios contables, de nómina y de RRHH completos y automatizados, todos disponibles en un solo lugar.

  • Planeas expandirte a mercados internacionales y necesitas una rápida resolución de todas las formalidades para iniciar ventas en el extranjero.

  • Requieres respuestas inmediatas y confiables a tus consultas, especialmente cuando son confirmadas por un experto fiscal.

  • Vendes bienes en línea, los almacenas o los entregas dentro de la Unión Europea. En este caso, sin duda necesitas una gestión profesional de Cumplimiento de IVA para cumplir con todos los requisitos fiscales relacionados con el IVA en cada país.

  • Apuntas a una colaboración sin problemas con las principales plataformas de e-commerce como Amazon, Allegro, Kaufland, y integradores reputados como Baselinker.

  • Aprecias soluciones contables modernas para e-commerce que permiten la automatización de la recuperación de datos y los procesos de liquidación de IVA internacional.

  • Quieres asegurarte de que tus obligaciones fiscales se monitorean y regulan con precisión de acuerdo con las leyes aplicables.

  • Valoras tanto el ahorro de tiempo como la reducción de costos operativos.

amavat® ofrece la gama más completa de servicios contables para negocios de e-commerce en el mercado polaco. Con nuestra amplia experiencia, puedes confiarnos con seguridad las declaraciones fiscales, asuntos de RRHH y nómina, así como las liquidaciones de IVA para ventas internacionales. Aseguramos la más alta calidad de servicios.



Conoce a nuestro equipo

Servicios contables integrales para e-commerce

¿Estás buscando servicios integrales y automatizados de contabilidad, nómina y RRHH todo en un solo lugar?

Comienza con una consulta gratuita con nuestro experimentado especialista en contabilidad de e-commerce.

Leer más


Servicios de Cumplimiento de IVA para e-commerce en toda la UE

¿Estás operando un negocio de e-commerce, vendiendo bienes en línea, almacenándolos o entregándolos dentro de la UE? ¿Luchando con las complejidades de las regulaciones fiscales del IVA? Nuestro especialista del departamento de Cumplimiento de IVA está listo para abordar todas tus preocupaciones y asesorarte sobre las soluciones más ventajosas para tu negocio. No dudes en ponerte en contacto.

Leer más


Integraciones de e-commerce

¿Estás interesado en herramientas de integración innovadoras que transformarán tu enfoque hacia el negocio de e-commerce? ¿Quieres colaborar sin problemas con los principales marketplaces como Amazon, Allegro o Kaufland? ¿O quizás deseas explorar las posibilidades de automatización para liquidaciones?

Contacta a nuestro experto en integraciones de e-commerce para más información.

Leer más


With us, you don't have to look for intermediaries

About us in numbers

years of experience in
the e-commerce market
offices in our
European network
40 220
VAT returns
filed with us
integrations with the largest
marketplaces on the market

Empowering your business growth

Why choose us


Dedicated customer care

Every client has the opportunity to collaborate with a dedicated customer care representative proficient in multiple foreign languages. Additionally, they are supported by a team of experts available for assistance.Our qualified tax advisors are at your disposal for all matters related to VAT, as well as in the event of tax audits across Europe.


Automation of accounting processes

By automating data retrieval for tax settlements and the integration with marketplaces or ERP systems, you can save time for your e-commerce team, which leads to cost savings. Simultaneously, our IT solutions allow the preparation of customized reports for accounting and e-commerce departments.


Comprehensive offering

You can rely on comprehensive support for accounting, payroll, as well as registration and VAT settlements for international sales, mail-order sales abroad under the VAT-OSS or Intrastat procedure. At the same time, you can count on our support in all European countries, ensuring centralized accounting and VAT services for your expanding e-commerce business. All essential services are consolidated on the Client Portal, facilitating efficient financial management of your business.


Premium service

Our Premium Service includes dedicated customer care support with direct telephone contact, 24/7 access to the Client Portal and round-the-clock access to tax information. Additionally, clients receive Customer Information, providing real-time updates on the latest legal and tax changes. We prioritize swift and accurate responses to your inquiries and concerns.


Transparent pricing system

We present an attractive pricing policy that is not dependent on the volume of transactions. We offer diverse packages tailored to the size of businesses. You can rely on consistent, transparent, and stable prices.


Highest security standards

We provide the support of an expert team during tax audits, as well as an analysis of complex VAT declarations and corrections if necessary. We ensure the timeliness of your settlements with tax authorities and oversee that no financial consequences threaten you. Simultaneously, we guarantee the security of your data, even within our automation and integration processes. You have the opportunity to benefit from over a decade of our team's experience in both Polish and international accounting.

Nuestras ubicaciones

Nuestras oficinas fiscales especializadas en
cumplimiento de IVA en Europa:

E-commerce integrations and automation

We integrate or automate with the largest marketplaces

We are used to dealing with large volumes of data in our daily work. Our speciality is automating them, acquiring them and converting them into useful formats for various tax and accounting processes. We also automate data retrieval and posting. After many years in the e-commerce business, not much surprises us. We search for novelties and implement them with passion for the benefit of our customers. We create new ones, creating the future of e-commerce. See how our integrations work in the amavat® application service manual.


Knowledge Base

Tax and accounting news for e-commerce

Stay informed about updates in tax regulations and the latest trends in e-commerce accounting, VAT, as well as procedures related to VAT Compliance.

21 October 2024
GPSR regulation: What is it and what does it mean for e-commerce sellers?
18 October 2024
Filing VAT returns
17 October 2024
Effective selling on Amazon without FBA: Opportunities and possibilities

Stay up to date!
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amavat® Information Service



amavat® - Tus especialistas en contabilidad
para e-commerce

Somos una de las principales firmas que proporciona servicios contables integrales para clientes de e-commerce polacos, así como servicios de Cumplimiento de IVA para el sector de e-commerce en toda la Unión Europea, el Reino Unido y Suiza. Además, ofrecemos nuestra propia aplicación innovadora que integra sin problemas la contabilidad con soluciones IT, lo que permite la optimización de los procesos financieros.



What our clients say


The individual approach, process automation, and comprehensive service in the registration and settlement of VAT make us highly satisfied with our cooperation with amavat®.

icon stars

Paulina Dziewulska

Head of Accounting


amavat® represents a professional approach to VAT settlement. Services are comprehensively handled, with attention to all aspects of VAT settlement (e.g., movement of goods between Amazon warehouses). Assigned individual advisors and prompt communication are distinct positive features in collaboration with amavat®.

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We turned to amavat® after being disappointed with services of another provider. The transition of work to amavat® went smoothly in all the countries where we operate. All our needs were taken care of.

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Timo Nicklas

Managing directors
Fashion2need GmbH

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amavat® took care of our required registrations immediately and within a short time. Subsequent filings in various countries were executed promptly.

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Andreas Kremer


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Our VAT registrations are handled professionally and on time. Backdated reports were professionally submitted to the relevant financial authorities.

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Jukka Bruhn


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The staff at amavat® responds to our inquiries with great competence. Even complex issues are resolved satisfactorily.

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Mike Meiser

Head of Accounting Department
itenga GmbH